
Friday, December 20, 2013

Mashed potatoes and apple pie gravy, anyone?

At the end of a meeting a few days ago my boss asked his subordinate leadership to wait around. We did, and he explained that around the 6 month mark of a deployment is when drama usually started and people started to hate their job and stop caring. He told us to try to understand that and make sure we were encouraging a positive environment and not letting drama interfere with our work. 
If only his advice wouldn't have been so prophetic.
Every work place comes with it's fair share of drama, but I have been fortunate  enough to work in a drama free environment for the most part. As I've said before I think that's party because we all have a job to do but mostly because I simply don't subscribe to the drama. For example, the wonderful ladies that live on our floor have continued their drama. I don't know the details and I don't ask; I mind my business and people leave me alone. I do know however that someone created some lovely fliers and attached them to the bathroom door that claim if anyone takes longer than a 5 minute shower they will be "reported to the chain of command and recommended to be moved into transient housing for at least two weeks"... Really ladies? 
She took a long shower, off with her head! 
Unfortunately sometimes the drama can't be avoided or ignored. 
Today we (my whole shop) got an email from one person and it was business as usual, except for a somewhat snippy comment to someone else in the body. Then 30 minutes later the referenced person sent a juvenile and dramatic reply.. To everyone. 
Nothing screams mid-tour drama like passive aggressive email arguments sent via 'Reply All'. 
As soon as I read the email I went to the source and told him it was unprofessional, juvenile and completely inappropriate and as I did, my boss came in to tell him the same thing (in nicer and more vague terms. He's not really a cut-to-the-chase kind of guy). Unfortunately after that another person chastised them, but via Reply All! I had to shake my head at that one because it was only perpetuating the nonsense, not squashing it.
So now we have a handful of sour people walking around and being pouty and argumentative. One of them even tried to start a debate with me about how men should be paid more in the army because they are required to do more push ups and run faster on their pt test. 
Needless to say after about 2 minutes of trying to calmly show him my reason for disagreeing I just told him to get out of my office and go do some work. He then decided that it was a good time to tell me that "the reason America is going downhill is because of women"... Looks like somebody is still bitter that I chewed him out for being unprofessional!
Hopefully (for his sake) he loses the attitude very quickly. I am not a fan of drama and if he tests me, he will learn that I do no tolerate disrespect. 

I don't understand why people have to be at each other's throats. This guy is mad at that guy and this girl said something to so and so.. I'm just sitting here wondering if the DFAC is intentionally messing with my food!

Last night I grabbed a to go plate and asked for pork chops and mashed potatoes. They offered me gravy, I gladly accepted and they poured it all over my food. It wasn't until I got home and took a big bite that I realized the gravy was in fact apple-pie filling, sans apple chunks! In case you were wondering, mashed potatoes, pork and apple pie filling do NOT taste good in the same bite. I wound up snacking for dinner instead. 
Then this morning I grabbed a milk and apple jacks and sat down to eat my breakfast, but as I poured my milk it came out in clumps.
This isn't the first time the locals have mixed up food labels.. A few weeks ago I got very excited for fajitas and got a nice big one, loaded with beef, onions, peppers and sour cream, only to bite into it and realize they added COTTAGE CHEESE instead of sour cream. That was probably the biggest shock/disappointment yet. It's easy to get used to the regular food shortages and limited selection, but I don't think I'll ever get used to biting into my meal expecting what I asked for and tasting something completely different!
At least they keep me on my toes..

And if all else fails I'll just eat the cookies and snacks we get in care packages!
Which reminds me, I really need to hit the gym. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Apple pie sauce filling without the apple chunks with mashed potatoes sounds AWESOME! I think your problem was the pork chops. Pork chops are evil. Pure disgusting evil, Tasha! :-)