
Monday, January 27, 2014

Running, shopping, and wisdom from a 3 year old

Rare beauties.
This picture is full of more commodities than you know. For the last 200+ days the only thing I've been allowed to wear that is my own are these shoes. Everything else is camouflage, tan or strictly regulated. My socks, for example are solid white, logo-free and long enough to cover my ankles, just as the 357 page manual, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, requires.
In case you didn't know, it's harder than it sounds to find quality athletic socks that are so bland. Nike, Under Armour and other brands that make great athletic socks also like to advertise it by sticking their logo somewhere visible.. 
Although I am quite fond of the bright pink color of my shoes, the reason I chose them was their insoles. They're memory foam! It's heavenly to have mini pillows in your shoes; it feels like walking on a cloud. 
The other rare and beautiful thing in that picture is the grass. While 99% of the base looks like this:
There are still a few patches of grass stubbornly clinging to life. Thank you, grass.

As I told y'all about a week ago, I have decided to run a half marathon. After my first run I was hurting but I ran my second recently and I'm not nearly as sore, hallelujah! I set out for 4.5 miles but was forced to slow down due to a killer side cramp that would not go away! Seriously, it took a mile at a much slower pace to make it manageable. Once I was able to pick up the pace again I decide to extend to a 5 mile run. I'm glad I did, pushing through those extra few minutes made me feel more accomplished than the other 4.5 miles did. It's not about the distance I ran, it's about setting a goal and surpassing it.
With my restored activity comes a few old annoyances I haven't missed.
Yes that's a bruise on the tip of my toe. That has happened since high school, regardless of the shoes I wear. Apparently shoe makers don't take feet like mine into account.. Thanks for the monkey-toes, dad.
Thankfully the annoyance is strictly aesthetic; my toes don't hurt when I run or after. However there is a good chance my toenail will fall off. Gross, I know!
I'm not going to let a few ugly toes stop me, though! Tomorrow I'll be running 5.5 miles, hopefully cramp-free and at a faster pace.

On the days that I don't run, I pass my afternoons by studying for the GRE, reading, or walking through the bazaar. Today the weather was nice and I was feeling antsy, so I set out for the PX. 
I guess the 15th time is a charm, because they finally restocked the PX!! I seized the opportunity and grabbed two cases of Mountain Dew and some chips. I also bought a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Why on earth do I need rubbing alcohol? No, I'm not desperate enough for a drink that I would risk my eyesight! Psh, come on guys.. 
My amazing better half sent me a box to help me survive my last month and get ready to come home and he included some of my makeup! He's a saint.
Anyways, one of my eye shadows didn't take the trip well and arrived in a handful of pieces. The rubbing alcohol is to mend my quality (but probably overpriced) eye shadow. If you haven't heard of that quick-fix, search it on Pinterest! I'll let y'all know how my attempt turns out in a few days.

After purchasing my goodies I went on a mommy-mission to find a camel purse for Alexis and something for Wyatt. I had fairly quick success finding the purse for Alexis 
These ones are smaller than the elephant purse I got her, so they should be a bit easier for her to manage.

After walking up and down the rows of wares I still couldn't find anything suitable as a gift to a little boy. When one of the merchants approached me I told him I was looking for toys for my 5 year old son. He promptly took me to a table displaying knives and guns. Not toy knives and guns. The table had 7in hunting knives and old muskets and revolvers. Who let's their young children play with knives?! I laughed, told him my son was too young for that and walked away. 
No wonder the children here throw rocks at patrols. They have no toys. Maybe if we want to stop the violence we should pass out jump ropes, soccer balls, and other toys so they stop playing with knives and guns..
Oh, goodness.
Needless to say, I am still in search of a few good gifts for Wyatt!

Before I go I'll leave you with a nugget of wisdom from Alexis.
Sunday Matt told her that he had to work in the morning and she asked him why. He told her, "because my boss said so."
She looked at him with a grin and asked if I was his boss.

Smart girl.


Megan said...

Ha! Alexis is def smart and very funny about it. Nyxy normally has a designated tupperware bowl for her food, but I guess every once in a while Granna switches it up. This weekend Granna gave Alexis a snack in an older wooden bowl we have, and Alexis gave her a stink eye and said, "In the dog bowl!?" She remembered Nyxy eating out of this bowl once and couldn't believe Granna was serving her food in the same dish. So cute.

Unknown said...

Haha! She's definitely picking up quite a sense of humor!

Pam said...

Haha Well, in retrospect, it was a nasty looking bowl. I have at least a dozen or so really worn bowls I keep around for sentimental reasons. I'm a sap, I know. :)