
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Running tips and discoveries

After committing to training for a half marathon, and my 6 mile run today I've learned a few things. The first of these things is simple: if I only allow myself to look at my time and distance in between songs, it makes running that much easier. Seriously, if you're like me and are constantly calculating how long it would take you to run X miles at your current pace, PUT THE GPS DOWN! Let your brilliant and over-thinking mind dwell on something other than the time you've been running and your aches and pains. Try it, you'll thank me.
The next thing I've learned is that if you like dancing, you like running. You just don't know it yet. I'm not joking! I've never been a run lover; I used to joke that if I couldn't see the finish line I didn't want to start. However I have always loved dancing and during the last few runs with la musica I have successfully turned down the constant flow of thoughts and turned up the music appreciation.
The key is to find the right music and then just let it flow through you. I'm not talking about awkward, flailing interpretive dance (but if you're in to that, more power to you). I'm talking, fresh outta the shower, music turned up, dancing to the mirror and singing into your hair brush. 
Let the music put you in that mood and your stride will match the beat. You'll pick up the pace and not feel your shoes rubbing or the sweat running down your face. You'll enjoy it. 
While in the zone today I discovered my jam! I'm not sure what it is about this song but I love it! I discovered it when watching Pitch Perfect (AWESOME movie by the way, I highly recommend it to everyone) and Matt downloaded it, along with the rest of the nerd-tastic album. It motivates me and I pick up the pace every time it comes on. 

If any of you have running jams, shout them out! I can definitely use a few more burst-of-energy songs! 

Do y'all get up bright and early to start your day off with a run? Oh, me too! Well I don't. I like to spend my mornings laying in bed on FaceTime with Matt. Yes I'm a bum, I know. I use my lunch break for my physical fitness because I get bored around noon and it's far warmer! The down side to running mid-day is that I've already gotten dressed for the day. Out here I don't wear makeup, so I don't have to worry about mascara sweating off but I do have to worry about my hair. I realized today how awfully annoying it is to have sticky hands while running. Why on earth were my hands sticky and what does that have to do with my hair? Well, when you use hairspray to keep your hair neat and secure, then go for a run, that hairspray will start to run right along with the sweat pouring down your face. So any time you wipe your face or touch your hair you get sticky. I don't advise this, it's quite irritating. 

The final and arguably most important thing I have learned is this: your body is far more capable than you think. Don't let your habits, or a negative mindset keep you from this revelation. When my goal was a 2 mile run, MAN, DID MY BODY HURT about 1.75 miles in. When I decided I was going to run 4 miles, geez did everything ache around 3.5. Point of the story? I got my mind stuck on "2 miles, 2 whole miles" and "4 miles. X miles left" and turned each run into a daunting feat. When I set out today I decided I wouldn't stop short of 5.5 miles and I let my body do its thing. I was able to get into the zone and just run without forcing it or fretting over it.

Just let your body do its thing, it'll surprise you. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good music helps make good runs!