
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Productivity vs Stagnation: don't be stagnant

As my sister reminded me today, "Not every run is a good one. Sometimes runs just suck." So true. Today's run definitely fell into the suck category! But at least I got out there and did it. 
And now I'm using a scarf (we have to get creative out here) as a wrap to hold my homemade ice pack in place.
I remember learning years ago that if you mix rubbing alcohol and water into a ziplock and freeze it, it works perfectly as an ice pack. The alcohol keeps it from freezing solid so it's able to form around whatever you need iced. That rubbing alcohol I picked up last week sure has come in handy!

I also signed up for a 10k on Valentine's day (I'm hoping for a free t-shirt) to give me a little mid-training motivation. 
Speaking of Valentine's Day, that will be my last holiday in Afghanistan! As far as holidays go I don't mind spending this one here. I've never been big on Valentine's day. Probably because I don't like chocolate or cookies, I don't want some new stuffed animal every year and I don't need presents to feel loved. That being said, protest or not Matt always spoils me and Valentine's day is no different. He knows me too well though and the things he does for me are thoughtful and endearing. This year was no exception.
 I get to eagerly wait until Matt gets his gifts and the kids get their cards, then before we know it, I'll be on my way home! Hopefully in time to decorate the house for Spring! 
I already have a list a mile long of crafts and projects I want to do when I'm home to add to our home decor! I don't understand why people don't want to learn how to use their own two hands to create things to better themselves or their home. If you're too busy, that's one thing. If you look down on people for being 'crafty' or creative though, that tells me that you are too small minded, lazy, or inept to do things for yourself. I encourage you all to try something new and expand your lives. 
While on the topic of constructive pastimes; flappy bird. Why.
Why do people spend so much of their times with brainless games like that, candy crush and whatever else is out there? I don't get it. 
Instead you could be using that time being productive, interacting with loved ones or if you're still glued to your phone at least try out apps that do something good for you. Try out duolingo, it's a game that helps you to learn a new language. There are other trivia apps and even Words With Friends and other word games help you to exercise your brain. 
As I learned from my anatomy and physiology professor in college: our muscles and abilities are use it or lose it. If you aren't exercising your thinking abilities, you're slowly losing them. 
Get smart.
Get fit.
Do something.
You're either a productive member of society or dead weight. Don't be dead weight. 


Pam said...

Very wise words, my dear. I'm so proud of you!

Unknown said...

I like that I've made a guest appearance in this post. =] Some runs do suck.

Unknown said...

feel better! great post.