
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Two Week Update

Our little man is now two weeks old! 
The last two weeks have flown by and Warren is growing like a weed already. He only lost 4 ounces in the 24 hours after birth and gained two back by his two day appointment! Eating is no issue for this guy. The actual nursing was a bit of a struggle at first though. He went from nursing like regular for the first 2-3 days but then when my milk came in, it was more like drinking from a garden hose, than a straw! So after a week or so of literally fighting my boobs (he would punch and kick in frustration.. He even tried biting a handful of times, which neither of us enjoyed!) he has slowly gotten the hang of it. Although I can't feed him unless he's fully awake and hungry. When I try he just lets the milk pool in his mouth then spits it out or chokes on it! But now that we know that it's been pretty smooth sailing. Just in time for the two-week growth spurt to come and change everything, right?
Aside from eating, Warren is quite well travelled for being 14 days old! We've gone out and had some good Texas BBQ and Jimmy Johns, we've gone to Home Depot a few times, various other stores and errands and we've made several trips to the park. 

Warren is so good in his car seat and on the road- I pray it stays that way since we have a few moves and vacations coming up in the near future!
 Other than eating, traveling, and making lots of dirty diapers, Warren loves to snuggle with us and hang out in his rocker. He's a very content baby so far, so let's not jinx it. Oh and speaking of dirty diapers- we got our newborn photos done this past weekend and in the short session Warren managed to pee on two props, my bed, and his nursing pillow. He also pooped on the rug AND on daddy. I think it's safe to say he's getting enough to eat! 
Once we get those pictures back I'll share a few, but in the mean time I will answer my pregnancy questions one last time to close those out. I'll probably find some new questions that pertain to Warren for our future updates as well.. 

How far along? I had Warren at 40 weeks and 5 days. He made his appearance in time for my family to dote on him for a couple days before they had to fly back to the Pacific Northwest!

Total weight gain/loss: At delivery I had gained exactly 25 pounds. I haven't checked my weight in 4-5 days, but last week I clocked in at 132, so I've got about 12 pounds to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight. I also think I'm going to leave this question in my blog to hold myself accountable and motivate me to eat well and work out!

Maternity clothes?  I have traded all of my maternity tops in for nursing tanks, low cut shirts and button downs so that it's easier to nurse Warren during the day. I'm also back into most of my regular jeans. I haven't tried my tighter pairs yet- I'm going to give myself another week or two before I face that challenge!
Stretch marks? I made it out without any, thankfully. However I do have a really faint linea negra (line that runs down the middle of my stomach from pregnancy) that showed up in the very last weeks. That should fade though. 
Sleep: I feel like I get plenty of sleep. But I have always been odd in the sense that I don't require as much sleep to function as most people do. I've also ALWAYS woken up a bunch at night, so this adjustment isn't too tough. It helps that Warren is a great sleeper and at night he only wants to eat every 3-5 hours and after he's burped he goes straight back to sleep! 
Best moment this week: It's hard to say, but my favorite part of each day is during night tume feedings when Warren is awake and Matt rolls over just to give him a kiss and cuddle with him <3 
Miss Anything? Haha, no! Life is so much sweeter when you can snuggle your baby and he isn't kicking your ribs. 
Movement: Warren is a pretty active, strong baby. But we all knew he would be with all the practice he was doing in the womb!

Food cravings? My appetite is a little more consistent now, but I'm not really craving anything aside from a few Reece's peanut butter cups each day! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? No, thank goodness!
Have you started to show yet:  well unlike the first week of post partum I no longer look 5-6 months pregnant! I just look like I've been hitting the bar instead of the gym with my little post-baby belly.. Each day and each walk seem to help with that though. And soon I'll get the OK to start running again.

Labor Signs: no cramping or pain anymore! I just had abdominal cramps when I breastfed for the first few days.

Belly Button in or out? Haha, my sad little flat belly button is now a crater on my stomach! I can't wait to flatten it all back up a bit. 

Wedding rings on or off? I was able to keep it on the whole time.
Looking forward to: on St Patrick's Day we get to Celebrate Warren's first holiday (aside from Texas' Independence Day, but he was to preoccupied being born to celebrate that one). We also get to go to his two week appointment and see how big he is! 

Mood: Great!! Our families were such a big help during the first week while Warren and I got into a routine and now we're all settled and daddy is such a good helper that I feel pretty spoiled. It definitely helps that my parents left us with a full fridge so I haven't had to grocery shop! For those of you that don't know- I loathe grocery shopping. I would rather muck stalls than wander the grocery store trying to find enough food to last us a week or two. 
Milestones: Warren is working on holding his head up and rolling over. He's still got a ways to go but he goes from his back to his side pretty effortlessly already. He about gave me a heart attack the first time I changed him because I've never changed an infant that was that mobile! 

Upcoming events/appointments: two week appointment on Tuesday, then nothing for a while except Warren and I exploring Texas for the rest of my maternity leave. 

Weekly Wisdom: take pictures. At least one a day. I'm not saying you have to post every one to social media, in fact, your friends would probably appreciate it if you didn't post that many! But it's better to have too many pictures on your camera and phone than not enough. You can delete some later, but those frames won't fill themselves. Also- get in some of the pictures! I know you feel tired and chubby (my stomach closely resembles that of Santa's.. A bowl full of jelly) but it's worth it to give your little to daddy for 30 minutes and shower and look presentable so that when you look back on this time you have some pictures you will WANT to share. 

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