
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

One month old!

It's hard to believe that this little man is already a month old (5 weeks by the time I got around to writing this, but who's counting)! Sorry for the delay, Warren's one month update fell on Easter weekend so the blog got put on the back burner. 
Reading a friends blog reminded me that if I don't get around to updating y'all now it probably won't happen, so as we drive out for a family day-trip I'm using the silence to my advantage.

Look at me! Today I'm: one month old! 

I weigh: almost 10 pounds! He's such a good eater that he didn't have any problems regaining his birth weight and he's already sleeping 4-5.5 hour stretches at night, eating for 10 minutes and going right back to sleep!

My height/length is now: 22 inches! 

My clothing size is: busting out of newborns, and fitting comfortably in 0-3 and 3 month clothes. If anyone has figured out how to make babies stop growing, let me know! 

This month I learned: everything I know ;). He has been working really hard to hold his head up and explore everything and he's already able to sit in his bumbo for short periods of time. 

Special trips we took: Warren's first real road trip! A 5 state drive to get to Granna and Papa's house for Easter is a pretty significant trip for a one month old, but Warren rides in the car like a champ! 9 hours in the car on day one and 6 hours on day two and he only cried once! This child was clearly born to be a military baby.
Aside from the road trip, Warren has gone out to Daddy's soccer games:

And his first fair, rodeo and concert:

Mommy and daddy's thoughts about this month: Aside from being completely in love with him, we are blown away by how easy going Warren is! He eats and sleeps well, he rarely ever cries and he's such a happy baby! The only issue we run into is his gas. His brother likes to call him a fart machine because he farts so often and so loud! It's caused by my monsterous supply and forceful let down, so I feel especially bad when he's laying in his bassinet grunting and farting for 20 minutes after he eats!

My routine: We still feed on demand and let Warren set his own schedule for now, and he eats every 2-3 hours during the day and is pretty consistent at night, usually eating around 10pm, 2am and 6am. We'll start trying out a routine next week to get ready for when I return to work.

Best moment: It's hard to pick but my two favorites are when he smiles at us (which JUST started) and when he sneezes, because afterwards he sighs and it's the cutest noise I've ever heard! 

My favorite things are: sleeping, looking at paintings and getting loved on by my brother and sister! He will stare so intensely any time a painting comes into his view, and crane his neck to keep looking at it. Who knows, maybe we have the next da Vinci on our hands. 

On top of all of the usual first month activities, we got to spend some time with family and celebrate Easter! 
This month has been a busy one, but  I wouldn't trade it for anything! The kids are waking up and we're getting close to our next adventure, so here's to the next month and hoping its as full of love (and sleep!) as the last. 

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