
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Three months, already?!

I really can't believe that Warren is already 3 months old!

These three months have probably gone by so quickly because he's been such a happy baby [yes, we are counting our blessings!]. This morning I did notice that his gorgeous long locks are thinning but then after work I looked carefully and realized that there's a whole layer of short blonde hair starting to show up underneath! Instead of honey colored hair, we might have another blonde toddler in the family.
On top of the hair change, Warren is eating more and is clearly showing signs of wanting to start trying food! He gets so interested when we are eating around him and anytime I eat with him in my lap, he grabs my arm, pulls it to his mouth and starts chewing on it! I think when we let him test out solids at 4 months he'll be more than ready!

Look at me! Today I'm: Three months old!

He weighs: FOURTEEN POUNDS! (49th percentile) It's hard to believe our little chunker isn't higher on the percentile charts!

His height/length is now: 25 inches! (84th percentile) He is getting so big, it's crazy. 

His clothing size is: 3mo and 3-6mo clothes. All 0-3mo outfits are too small and the plain 3 month clothes are snug now! We're trying to use up all of the opened boxes of size one diapers so we can hurry and move on to size two. I'm definitely going to have to exchange the couple boxes of size one that we still have. 

This month he learned: How to fake-cough to get peoples attention. It is the funniest thing because he will look at you, and if you don't acknowledge him, he gives 2-3 very fake coughs until you look/smile at him. He also learned how to squeal! It's music to our ears and I cannot wait for his laughs to start!

Special trips we took: We went out to the botanical gardens and visited mama's alma matter this month <3 I'm doing everything I can to sway these kids to go to UT when they grow up! Obviously I'll be thrilled wherever they choose to go, but it doesn't hurt to lay a little ground work ;)

He also got to try on his swim trunks and play in the water for the first time! He loves the water outside just as much as he loves his baths!

Mommy and daddy's thoughts about this month: Warren is sooo close to laughing and to rolling over! He even gets pretty far going from back to tummy when he's in his crib and looking for his pacifier! I think we're going to have a very mobile baby soon. 

His routine: bedtime routine starts at 8:45 now and Warren still sleeps soundly until 7am. Then he'll roll around for a bit, find his thumb and fall back asleep until 8:30 or so! He's also so much more alert during the days! 

Best moment: Coming home from work and hearing his squeal and seeing his bright smile as soon as he hears/sees me.  

His favorite things are: story time with daddy 

And of course, watching his brother and sister play and playing with them! He gets SO EXCITED when they are laughing and running around. You can just see how badly he wants to play with them by his wide grin, noises and how active he gets!

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