That being said, we have had some quality time now that school is back in session and the weather has cooled off a bit. We haven't been able to do as many water activities, but we have managed to go on daily walks to the park and schedule some play dates with other little guys his age!
Look at me! Today I'm: Six months old! How has he been alive half a year already!?
He weighs: 17 pounds! He's still hovering around the 40th percentile for weight
His height/length is now: 28 inches tall which is 90% as usual!
His clothing size is: 6-9mo clothing and mostly 9 month pajamas! He's made a trend of only wearing an outfit 2-3 times before he outgrows it.. Just like his big brother!
This month he learned: How to move to get what he wants! He doesn't do the typical crawl yet but he scoots, rolls and wiggles to get across the room to what he's interested in! He's also sitting up like a champ and we're positive that he understands 3-4 signs (sign language) and I am positive that he's attempted the signs for 'milk' and 'finished' a few times! I can't wait until he starts communicating with us more regularly! Life is so much easier when that happens.
Special trips we took: Warren went to the beach for the first time! We also took a few other day trips to local lakes.
We took the kids to their first water park in an attempt to not let the summer escape us!
We took the kids to their first water park in an attempt to not let the summer escape us!
Mommy and daddy's thoughts about this month: He is getting so big! I need to enjoy my clean house while I can because I know he's going to be terrorizing it very soon!
His routine: Warren still sleeps great and now his naps are like clockwork. It makes planning my day much easier!
Best moment: Watching him figure out how to move to get the toys that he wants!
His favorite things are: His brother and sister. Any time he hears their voices he gets SO EXCITED. Don't get me wrong, he loves Mommy and Daddy and he snuggles us, gives us kisses and gets excited to see us. But as soon as he hears the sound of his siblings voices his whole face lights up and he squals, jumps and looks for them at the same time! It's absolutely heart warming.
It's really hard to believe that we are over halfway done with Warren's first year and have already hit so many of his milestones. Warren is such a happy baby and his brother and sister do such a good job playing with him and helping him learn. It makes me sad to see him grow so quickly, but excited for what's to come!
Also, we have decided on some pretty adorable Halloween costumes, so be on the look out for a sneak peek next month!
It's really hard to believe that we are over halfway done with Warren's first year and have already hit so many of his milestones. Warren is such a happy baby and his brother and sister do such a good job playing with him and helping him learn. It makes me sad to see him grow so quickly, but excited for what's to come!
Also, we have decided on some pretty adorable Halloween costumes, so be on the look out for a sneak peek next month!
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