
Saturday, January 2, 2016

10 Month Alert!

We had quite a busy month! Warren got to travel on 4 airplanes, see both sets of grandparents, most aunts and uncles and even some great grandparents! We were go, go, go because of the holidays, but I would definitely call Warren's first Christmas a success!

On top of learning the joys of the holidays over the last few weeks, Warren has learned how to give high-5s, walk with his walker, clap, and he has started to say 'mama' and 'dada'!!! Although he is far more consistent with saying 'dog'. Warren will stand by the back door, slap his leg (the sign for dog) and yell, 'Daaaahhh! Daaahhh!' until the dogs come to the door. 
 He also likes to shake his head 'no' when we tell him something he doesn't want to hear! He's got quite a personality.

I wont bore everyone with the details of our Christmas, but I will sum it up by saying that my family is beyond blessed. Everyone got spoiled, but more importantly, my kids understand that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday and it's important to spend it with family and friends.

Look at me! Today I'm: Ten months old. It's time to start planning his 1st birthday party!!

He weighs: 20 pounds! He's gained 2 pounds in the last 3 weeks, so he's back up to the 45th percentile for weight!

His height/length is now: 30 inches! He's sitting at the 89th percentile for height currently. 

His clothing size is: 12 month everything! I had to sort his onesies and shirts yesterday and take all of the too-small 9mo clothes out. So sad. especially since there were a few things he only wore once! I'm glad that his growing is going to slow down a bit now, so I can take a breather from clothes shopping!

This month he learned: how to give high 5s, say mama, dada and dog, sign dog, and walk all over the place with his walker toy, or holding on to the wall. I think this may be the month he starts to walk on his own. We'll see! 

Special trips we took: Warren got to meet Santa! 

He did such a good job sitting with Santa. I didn't think it would be an issue, especially with Wyatt and Alexis being right next to him.

He also got to go to Alabama and Texas and see so much of his family! I am so grateful that he is able to have so many people that love him!

Mommy and daddy's thoughts about this month: This month Warren was definitely healthier, which was SOO NICE. Although now he has his 6th tooth coming in, so he's a bit cranky. Aside from that, it's been a great month. Work, for Matt and I both, slowed down around the holidays so we were able to spend a lot of time relaxing at home, going to the park and on walks. 

His routine: Warren is transitioning to one nap a day, so I'm getting used to that, but he seems to be taking it in stride.

Best moment: 
Watching the kids open their presents Christmas morning ❤️ Wyatt helped Warren open his stocking and a few gifts and it was so sweet!

His favorite things are: his new legos, a ring stacker, walking and trying to find cords to pull. He knows he's not supposed to play with cords, so he'll grab one, look at you and yell, and as soon as you acknowledge him, he smiles and yanks on it! 
We have our hands full, but as he gets better at climbing and walking, we're able to spend more time at the park, which is wonderful!

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