
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Warren's 18 month update

Well hello everyone! 

I haven't written in months because life with a toddler is hectic. Throw in moving and work and it's about as much as a girl can ask for. On top of that I know that monthly updates outlive their welcome after a kid has turned one. 

That being said I will still post from time to time about various milestones, adventures or cool tips/tricks and projects I've discovered.

The reason for breaking my silence today is to celebrate Warren turning 18 months old! It's hard to believe he's only one and a half. He has changed and grown so much in the last six months that it feels like he must be two or three by now!

Look at me! Today I'm: 18 months old!

He weighs: 25.5 lbs (70th percentile)

His height/length is now: 33.5" (87th percentile) 

His clothing size is: 18mo-2t! It's crazy to think that all of these 2T clothes I'm buying will last him almost a year! If he doesn't destroy them before he outgrows them, that is!

Recently he learned: So much! Seriously. Warren now knows well over 50 words, he still signs (especially for please and thank you) and he runs, jumps and climbs on everything! He also try's to sing his own version of the ABCs and loves to say, "Touchdown!" And "one, two, three, GO!" 

Special trips we took: we spent the warm months making as many trips to the beach as possible! It's safe to say that Warren is still a huge water baby!

Mommy's thoughts about the last 6 months: I am floored by how much he has learned in the last six months. Warren answers your questions, asks for what he wants and strings 2-3 words together to make himself understood! He also figured out how to climb the rock wall on the kids play set and he loves going down the slide! 

His routine: Warren still sleeps from 8:30-8:30 and takes a 1.5 hour nap every day, but his appetite has slowed way down now that his growth has. The biggest addition to his routine is that every morning he asks us to turn on paw patrol so he can sing and dance to the theme song 😂

Best moment: Watching him play in water! The beach, the pool, the sprinkler, I doesn't matter what kind of water he is, he loves it! 
His favorite things are: Everything he can do outside! And all of our animals! 

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