
Friday, March 18, 2016

Warren is ONE!

Life has been so busy that I forgot to post Warren's one year update! Only two weeks late, but here it is!

It is so hard to fathom how quickly time passes.
This was one year ago:

He has always been such a happy baby; so full of energy, yet easy going. How did all of this happen in one year?!?! We survived teething, moving, sleep regressions, attempting to wean and getting ready to move again. All in all, I couldn't ask for a better family situation!

We are beyond blessed to have a happy, healthy toddler (insert a sniffling mom here), and I cannot wait to hear him expand his vocabulary and see his personality unfold.

Look at me! Today I'm: ONE!

He weighs: 22.4lbs (63%, the highest he's ever been on the weight chart!)

His height/length is now: 31.25 inches (96%, which is on par for the little giant!)

His clothing size is: 18 month pajamas and shirts! he's still too skinny for 18 mo pants though. Thankfully it's shorts season in Arizona!

This month he learned: How to sign 'bath' and 'please', how to blow kisses, how to jump off the porch (and the beds), how to point at things consistently and he mimics our words now! He's told me, "no!" and "out!" in addition to occasionally saying ball, and more! Yesterday he learned how to lean forward and look at things upsidedown, cue hearts melting 

He also tries to run when he gets excited and it's such a clumsy, adorable sight!

Special trips we took: The special event of the month was Warren's birthday party! He LOVED all of the kids, opening his presents (offering them to everyone) and he especially loved his smash cake! It was his first taste of cake and it went over VERY well. 

Mommy's thoughts about this month: It's amazing to think of how much he has changed this year, and everything he knows at 12 months! I love his personality. So. Much. 

His routine: He's a happy sleeper for 12 hours a night, he takes a 2 hour nap a day and eats about 36 times a day! He LOVES to eat and he plays outside Every. Single. Day. 

Best moment: Watching Warren laugh. He laughs for real, he fake laughs to make other people laugh and he laughs every time anyone else does! It's adorable. 

His favorite things are: Chasing Wyatt and Alexis, playing with the dogs, being outside and anything that involves water!!


Jess said...

Wow! Time flies. Maybe I can come out to Arizona.... or did you say you were moving again? Glad to see things are going so well. xoxo

Blog27999 said...

Do you understand there is a 12 word phrase you can speak to your man... that will induce intense emotions of love and instinctual attractiveness for you buried within his heart?

Because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, idolize and protect you with all his heart...

12 Words Will Fuel A Man's Desire Impulse

This impulse is so hardwired into a man's brain that it will make him try better than ever before to take care of you.

Matter-of-fact, triggering this influential impulse is absolutely important to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man a "Secret Signal"...

...You'll instantly find him expose his heart and mind to you in a way he never experienced before and he will see you as the one and only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly understood him.